Archived Articles
Our goal is to keep our site current with important
information. Instead of tossing aside older articles, we've opted
to house them here, in the Archives, so that you still have access
to this important information.
Countrywide Archived Articles
Athletics/Physical Education

- This alert provides basic information on
controlling the exposures associated with ski and
snowboard clubs.
Emergency Management

- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the
American Red Cross co-sponsored National Preparedness
Month in September. This initiative helped schools to
build a culture of preparedness among young people.
Additional information is available at: and
- View the suggested resources and short/long-term
protective measures regarding terror attacks from the
U.S. Department of Education, Homeland Security and
the FBI.
Home Page Articles

- The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Burlington
Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company v. White expands
the scope of retaliation claims under Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964.

- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently
unveiled a
National Cyber Alert System for identifying,
analyzing, and prioritizing emerging vulnerabilities
and threats.

- Chromated Copper Arsenate Treated Wooden
A Risk Management Alert addressing a
current public interest issue with regard to pressure
treated wood playgrounds.
Facilities/Premises Liability

- The U.S. EPA has developed a new software tool to
help school districts establish and manage
comprehensive school facility self-assessment
- Important! Before severe weather strikes
you prepared? This Severe Weather Alert offers 10 tips
to help protect your building from damage caused by
thunderstorms, tornados and hurricanes.
- Download this safety pdf and post to educate about
slips and falls.
- Slips, Trips and Falls - An informative
presentation with statistics and risk factors.
- Be proactive - Download this school slip, trip and
fall checklist to aid in identifying potential
- Do not forget winter safety, when risk of slips,
trips or falls is greater due to weather conditions.
- Once hazards have been identified, use this safety
recommendation form to help ensure corrective action
is taken.
- Make safety part of the school mission.
- Get the facts on incidents involving chemicals in
your school.
- Protect your school from the pitfalls of
construction with the latest tips on contractual
liability exposures.
- Be sure that your school immediately reports an
incident that could lead to a loss with our helpful
- Important information on bleacher safety from the
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, outlining
hazards and guidelines to help keep your students
- A Risk Management Alert issued to raise awareness
of a recent product recall relating to the failure of
certain actuators used in fire/smoke dampers.
- This Severe Weather Alert includes top 10 tips to help protect your building from damage caused by thunderstorms, tornados and hurricanes.

- Transportation Security Administration brochures
and driver tip cards are now available.