School Risk Management Program

Facilities/Premises Liability

Lead and Drinking Water Awareness
Awareness about drinking water has increased due to the Flint, Michigan, water crisis and other news coverage involving high lead levels found in drinking water at schools countrywide. Click here to learn about the issue. Click here for information from the EPA on reducing lead in drinking water in schools.


Interested in creating a healthy indoor school environment?

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools program and resources to assist schools in reducing exposures to indoor environmental contaminants through the voluntary adoption of sound and effective IAQ management practices. The EPA recently released resources from their webinar ‘Mold Control is Moisture Control.’ These resources are designed to help schools create and maintain healthy indoor learning environments by identifying, correcting and preventing common issues such as excessive moisture and water leaks.

The audio recording and PDF presentation slides are now available on the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools webinar resources page!

Schools often provide their buildings as meeting places for community and extra-curricular groups after school hours. As a result, they may be exposed to additional property and premises liability claims if accidents or injuries occur. The ability of schools to adequately transfer risk to outside user groups and still provide and maintain safe facilities is paramount to a successful property and liability risk management program.

The following resources can help you address some of the property and liability exposures facing your school:

Countrywide Articles

  • Important information - Preparation is the key to protecting against the risk of flood.
  • Important information on fire detection and notification to keep your schools safe.
  • A Loss Control Department Staff Alert addressing risks to children from mobile folding tables.
  • A Loss Control Department Staff Alert addressing the issue of Safe Sleeping Practices for Day Care Facilities.
  • Electrically operated partitions are often used to divide gymnasiums, auditoriums and even classrooms in schools. This exposure has the potential to exist in any school in any state.
  • Retrofitting Bleachers - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission released recommended guidelines to help identify and prevent possible injuries.
  • Working safer and easier for Janitors, Custodians and Housekeepers.